Our aim is to give our children a secure understanding of the fundamental principles of computer science and to support them to become safe, responsible and discerning digital citizens. We teach children about staying safe online and when using technology linked to our PSHCE curriculum. We also celebrate Safer Internet Day each year at Glenbrook.
At Glenbrook we have chosen to sequence our computing curriculum based on Switched On computing’s scheme of work. Children cover the National Curriculum for computing through two or three units of work in each year group.
The curriculum is sequenced to ensure that children develop knowledge and skills in computer science (hardware, coding, programming and computational thinking) as well as information technology (uses of software, the internet and how to use data effectively). Children develop their understanding of what underpins the technology that we use every day and how they can create their own simple programs and work with computer code. Children learn how they can interact safely and responsibly within the digital world and learn the basic skills of word processing, data analysis, creative digital art and internet research. They progress by the end of Year 6 to become confident, capable and creative users of digital technology.
At Glenbrook children access a range of software and hardware to support their learning. We use class sets of iPads and laptops as well as desktop PCs and micro:bits, which help children to learn and master coding techniques. Children apply their computing skills confidently across the curriculum.
Click the image below to view our Computing curriculum
For more information about staying safe online: