At Glenbrook we help children to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We encourage children to ask questions, think critically, explore artefacts, listen to different arguments and make informed judgements about the past. We have created our own Glenbrook History Timeline which enables children to make links between topics that they learn about throughout their time at Glenbrook and gives them a better understanding of chronology and the relationships between different periods in history.
Children are fully immersed in the lives of people from the past and understand the process of change over time. In addition, our interactive timeline located in our Library allows children to explore artefacts from periods throughout history first-hand and children have the opportunity to experience a range of workshops, bringing their history learning to life.
View our Glenbrook history timeline.

In EYFS, History is taught within the ‘Understanding The World’ Early Learning Goal. We encourage children to talk about themselves and the lives of the people around them using vocabulary relating to the past and the future. This allows children to make sense of their own life-story and their family’s history, making comments about their past experiences. Children will consolidate their understanding of sequencing through stories and events encountered in books. Through reading books about the past, children will be able to notice some similarities and differences between things in the past and the present.
In KS1 & KS2 History is taught in line with the National Curriculum and children are able to build on their historical knowledge focusing on chronology and the impact of different time periods. Children learn about significant people and events from the past from ancient civilisations to recent historical achievements. Knowledge Organisers provide children with a timeline, a summary of the historical facts and concepts they will be learning throughout each topic and definitions of important vocabulary. Living in London, children are at the heart of British History and will look at historical events, people and places within their own locality.
In KS1, children learn about events and changes within and beyond living memory and about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. They learn a wide vocabulary of everyday historical terms and understand some of the different ways that we find out about the past. Children begin to make clear comparisons between the distant past and the present, for instance, when learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’ children can look at how buildings and resources differed compared to now.
In KS2, children develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history. They are taught to understand connections, contrasts and trends over time and develop the appropriate use of historical terms. By the end of KS2, children establish a clear narrative within and across the periods they have studied and understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources and that different versions of past events may exist. We encourage children to be inquisitive and question sources such as artefacts, comparing the reliability between different types of sources and discussing what information we gain from them. Children make links with previously taught history topics and focus on the impact of different time periods such as the ‘Stone Age’, ‘Romans’ ,‘World War I & II’ and ‘The Plague’.

The impact of our History curriculum is that children leave Glenbrook with a deep understanding of World and British History. They are confident in talking about the changes that have happened throughout history and how civilisations have evolved. Children become critical thinkers, ask relevant enquiry questions and understand that we are still finding out new things about the past. At Glenbrook, children are confident historians and have had many opportunities to showcase their knowledge through workshops, role-plays, presentations and a range of writing outcomes.
The impact of our History curriculum is assessed through a range of outputs:
Formative self-assessment recorded in books and teacher assessment for learning.
Book looks & learning walks
Pupil Voice – pupil conferencing and lesson visits
Regular retrieval quizzes of key information linking back to their Knowledge Organisers