I have been Headteacher of Glenbrook since July 2019 and I am very proud of our school. We work as a team with parents and carers and have built a welcoming school community. Glenbrook Primary School is a one-form entry school in Clapham Park, South London. We have a beautiful new building with our entrance on Clarence Crescent, just off Clarence Avenue. The entrance opens on to our light-filled library and the school is in leafy grounds with our own Forest School area.
Glenbrook is a great school with a rich curriculum including specialist teaching in Art & Design, Music and PE. Children start in Nursery in a nurturing environment with tailored indoor and outdoor provision to ensure they develop and flourish in all areas of learning. Every area of the curriculum is enriched with educational visits to inspire our children, from Kew Gardens to Hampton Court to the Science Museum and attending the first ever children’s picnic at the Chelsea Flower Show. Our School Council and pupil leaders visit the UK Parliament as part of Democracy Week. We have regular themed learning days as a whole school to bring subjects alive: Spanish Day, Sustainability Day and Victorians History Day have been highlights this year. Every year we create a whole-school art installation on Global Arts Day.
Glenbrook pupils achieve exceptionally well by the end of Year 6. In 2023 attainment was better than National in all core subjects and in 2024 the percentage of pupils achieving the combined standard in Reading, Writing and Maths is above national. Maths results are very high with all children developing their mathematical proficiency through knowledgeable and skilful teaching. Our wider curriculum ensures that pupils are inspired in all subjects. In History, pupils use primary and secondary sources to ignite their interest in every topic. We have our own History timelines that link World, British and local events to help children make connections. We have fieldwork days for all classes where pupils learn as Geographers and gather and present information about their local area. In computing we use micro:bits for coding and in Years 1-6 we learn Spanish. As well as weekly music lessons, Glenbrook pupils can learn the guitar, drums or piano. All children learn to play the ukulele in Year 4.
Glenbrook is a special place where we all achieve together. The atmosphere for learning is calm and purposeful with all children and staff taking immense pride in our school. We are ambitious for all our pupils and have fantastic partnerships with St Thomas’s Foundation, Emanuel School and Dulwich College to offer every opportunity to our pupils. When families join our school they become part of our community and every family helps make Glenbrook an even better and more welcoming place to learn.
We are always striving for ever greater heights for our school and our pupils. I do hope you enjoy looking at our website and seeing what we do exceptionally well here. If you would like to come and visit, please contact the school office.
​I look forward to meeting you.
Jane Scarsbrook
@glenbrookprimary on Instagram
@GlenbrookSch on X (Twitter)